Florida Keys Wildflower Honey
The Wonderful weather and abundant plant life in the Florida Keys makes for a bee "paradise". They show their appreciation of this wonderful environment by producing some of the best honey in the world. Always raw and unfiltered the honey we produce at Pirate Hat Apiary is sure to add a taste of the tropics to your tea, coffee, or whatever treat you are using it on.
We harvest 3-4 times a year typically late spring, late summer, and then again in December for the fall Honey. Each season has its very own taste profile and these vary from year to year.
Spring honey is typically the lightest and most floral with local hardwood hammock trees and native plants contributing the largest part of this harvest
Summer is typically slightly darker and more complex with a hint of salt thanks to the Black Mangrove, also has Jamaican Dogwood, Palm and Citrus in smaller amounts with the Mangrove making up the lion's share of this harvest.
Fall honey is typically the darkest and has a rich flavor with a hint of Molasses and black pepper owing to the large portion of Brazilian Pepper in it.
All three seasons are wonderful but not always available. We do at times sell out and may not have a specific season available in all sizes or not at all. Please call for availability.

Glass Jars
8 oz Muth
16 oz Muth
12 oz glass Bear
Travel Size
Specialty Honey
Smoked Honey small
Smoked Honey large
Chili Infused Honey
Habanero Infused
Key Lime Infused
Creamed Honey small
Creamed Honey Large
Plastic Container
3lb Squeeze
2lb Squeeze
1lb Squeeze
8 oz Bear
Other sizes
Cut Comb
Honey Straws
Price Varies
$.50 - 10/$4

* Honey Is sold by Weight glass jar sizes in liquid oz are for reference only